Guarantees on solar panel installations

Warranty on Photovoltaic Installations in Lanzarote

When you decide to install solar panels in your home, it is essential to know the guarantees that protect your investment.

In Lanzarote, the guarantees of photovoltaic systems mainly cover the most expensive elements, such as solar panels and the inverter, which are fundamental for the proper functioning of the installation.

These guarantees are key to ensuring that your system not only works efficiently, but also provides you with clean and sustainable energy over time.

Garantía Paneles Solares Lanzarote

The Huawei inverter and its warranty

For the conversion of solar energy into useable electricity, we use the Huawei SUN 2000 range in its different powers

The inverter, which transforms the energy generated by the panels into useable electricity in your home, generally has a warranty of 5 to 10 years.

Since it is one of the most critical components of the installation, ensuring that your inverter is covered will give you peace of mind.

Garantía Paneles Solares Lanzarote

Guarantees on Solar Panels

Solar panels usually have guarantees ranging from 10 to 25 years, depending on the manufacturer. This guarantee covers the performance of the panels, ensuring that they maintain at least 80% of their production capacity during the stipulated period.

In Lanzarote, with its sunny climate, it is especially important to have this protection to guarantee optimal energy production.

Garantía Paneles Solares Lanzarote

Installer's Warranty 

The rest of the components of the photovoltaic system, such as wiring or support structures, are usually covered by the installer's warranty, which is delivered together with the installation certificate.

This warranty can vary between 1 and 2 years, depending on the installer. In Lanzarote, it is important to choose an experienced installer who offers solid guarantees.

With the installation of solar panels in Lanzarote, you not only improve the energy efficiency of your home, but you also enjoy a protected investment thanks to complete guarantees in each of the key components of the system.

Watch our installation example video



+34 651 321 890



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