Solar Panel Grants
2024 update note: The subsidies mentioned in this article have already expired on December 31, 2023, you are no longer eligible for them unless it has been requested previously and is in process
If you are thinking of installing solar panels ☀️ in your home in Lanzarote, good news! There are grants available that could help you significantly reduce the cost of installation 💶
In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about subsidies for solar panels in Lanzarote.
Savings for you to install panels
On the island of Lanzarote, the use of renewable energy has become a priority for the Government. For this reason, it has implemented various measures aimed at promoting the installation of solar panels. One of them is the subsidies for individuals, neighborhood communities and companies.
The subsidies vary according to the type of installation that you want to carry out, but can cover up to 50% of the total cost. In addition, some of them are intended to replace conventional energy systems with more efficient and sustainable ones, such as solar panels.
in your energy consumption?
Look at our financing example
The documentation
It is important to bear in mind that in order to access the subsidies, it is necessary to meet certain requirements and conditions established by the Government of Lanzarote.
Authorized company
For example, it is necessary that the installation have the necessary permits and that it be carried out by authorized companies.
Example of actual grant
We offer you below an example of subsidies so you can see how much you can save, and therefore, how much your installation costs.
In accordance with the actions to be carried out previously indicated, the total budget for execution and start-up amounts to:
1.- For the photovoltaic solar installation. ☀️
Materials, Transportation and Labor: 7.495 €
2.- For the reform of the electrical installation of the house ⚡️
BT Electrical Installations: 985 €
3.- For the drafting and processing of documents 📑
Documentation and Registration 1.275 €
IGIC(7%) 682,85 €
TOTAL 10.437,85 €
As collected in the ANEXO III, del RD 477/2021, the maximum eligible costs, reference costs and amount of aid:
Kilovatios | €/Kilovatio | Total | |
Grant | 4,36 | 600 | 2616 |
Battery | Kw/h | €/Kilovatio | Total |
5 | 490 | 2450 | |
TOTAL: | 5.066 € |
As can be seen, of a global amount of 10,437.85 euros for the installation, including the procedures, the set of state aid for your installation is around 50%.
Taking into account the short-term amortization due to the high cost of the kilowatt hour in 2023, if you do not take advantage of the aid to pay for your photovoltaic installation and thus stop paying bills to your supply company, when the aid ends you will regret not having taken advantage of it
In short, if you are interested in installing solar panels in Lanzarote, we recommend that you ✅ check the available grants 👍 and that you inform yourself about the requirements to access them.
Take advantage of this opportunity to save on your electricity bill and contribute to caring for the environment!
But state aid has a validity period and ends soon!!!
Mira nuestro articulo para saber cuanto puede costar una instalación estándar