Tips to save electricity in your home

If you are looking to reduce your electricity consumption in Lanzarote, there are many strategies that you can implement in your home.

Here are some tips to help you save energy and reduce your electricity bills.


LED bulbs consume less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs, making them an excellent option for saving energy in your home.

Already implemented in almost all homes, we must focus on other elements of much more consumption that go unnoticed


Adjust the temperature of the air conditioning: If you live in Lanzarote, it is likely that you use the air conditioning to keep your home cool during the summer months.

Also if you have a pool, set the temperature to 25 degrees Celsius to save energy and reduce your electricity bills, or complement it by using a pool blanket

reducir consumo eléctrico Lanzarote
reducir consumo eléctrico Lanzarote

Wash clothes with cold water: Most of the energy used in washing machines is used to heat the water.

Wash your clothes in cold water to save energy and lower your electricity bills. There are also dryers that work with a heat pump, which represents considerable savings compared to those that work with a resistance.

Solar panels to heat water

If you want to take more advanced measures to save energy in your home, consider the installation of solar panels to replace the electric water heater.

Many of the electric water heaters consume around 1600 W, and are connected several times a day to keep the contents warm.

If you have a rate that is cheaper at certain times, you can try to set a timer so that it works only at those times.

reducir consumo eléctrico Lanzarote
reducir consumo eléctrico Lanzarote
Solar panels power generation

Photovoltaic solar panels are an excellent option for those looking to reduce their energy consumption. Also, once installed, solar panels are a free and renewable source of energy.

While solar panels can be expensive to install, in the long run, they are a worthwhile investment that can save you money on your electric bills.


According to data from Spain's National Statistics Institute (INE), the average price of electricity for domestic consumers has increased by 46.4% from April 2016 to April 2021.

This significant increase in the price of electricity is due to several factors, such as the increase in the costs of energy production, the dependence on fossil fuels, and the taxes and fees that apply to electricity in Spain.

If you want more useful information or complete advice with a budget and dossier, as well as advice for choosing the best electric company for your home or business, contact us.


+34 651 321 890



We work with the best supplier of electrical equipment on the island, Dielca. We are up to date with your promotions and offers, to inform you by mail of the news.

Troubleshooting Common Electrical Problems

Electricistas en Lanzarote

If you're experiencing electrical problems at your home or business, it can be difficult to determine the exact cause and how to fix it. Some common electrical problems include blackouts, short circuits, overloads, and problems with switches or plugs.

Fortunately, an electrical installer in Lanzarote can help you solve these problems and keep your electrical systems in good condition.


Short circuits and overloads are one of the most common causes of blackouts.

These occur when there is a direct connection between two electric cables of different polarity, or an excess consumption in the line.

If you have too many appliances or devices plugged in at once, you may be overloading the electrical circuit.

An electrician can assess the situation and provide a solution to prevent future overloads.


Problems with switches or sockets are also common.

For example, a plug may not work if the cord is damaged or if there is a problem with the thermal protection.

An electrician can replace the plug and fix any other underlying electrical issues.

Instalador eléctrico Lanzarote
Instalador eléctrico Lanzarote

This includes regular maintenance of electrical systems, installation of new systems, and upgrading of old systems.

Regular maintenance is important to prevent electrical problems and ensure that your electrical systems are in good working order.


Electric water heaters are the device that is usually damaged periodically by internal corrosion of the tank.

It is the first element that we have to check if the difference switch in the house jumps out.

Because the internal corrosion anode intended to prevent corrosion and rust of the tank has worn out over time.

This element must be changed once a year (the corrosion anode), because it is cheap and prevents us from changing the thermos every two or three years.

Instalador eléctrico Lanzarote

If you are experiencing electrical problems in your home or business in Lanzarote, an electrical installer can help you solve them and keep your electrical systems in good condition.

Do not try to fix electrical problems on your own, as this can be dangerous and cause damage to yourself or your property.V

Instead, trust an experienced professional to provide safe and effective solutions.

If you want more useful information or complete advice with a budget and dossier, as well as advice for choosing the best electric company for your home or business, contact us.


+34 651 321 890



We work with the best supplier of electrical equipment on the island, Dielca. We are up to date with your promotions and offers, to inform you by mail of the news.

Find an electrician in Lanzarote

If you are looking to hire an electrician in Lanzarote, it is important to consider a few factors to ensure that you choose a reliable and qualified professional.

Electricistas en Lanzarote

First of all, check that the electrician is duly certified and has the corresponding license to carry out electrical work in Lanzarote.

This ensures that the electrician has the necessary training and experience to carry out a safe and quality job.


It is also important to check the opinions and recommendations of other previous customers of the electrician.

Check online reviews on review websites or ask the electrician directly for references.

A website with enough information, and a quality Google profile with reviews is a good start.

Electricistas en Lanzarote
Electricistas en Lanzarote
Agenda and availability

Another important factor is the availability of the electrician to work when you need it.

Make sure the electrician has the ability to get the job done in the required timeframe and has the flexibility to accommodate your schedule and needs.

Many times the best option in terms of professionalism clashes with our needs, emergencies or specific schedules.


Answer calls as soon as possible and messages:

On many occasions, as a professional, you cannot answer the phone because you have to be focused on a specific task, you have to establish breaks to be able to check your mobile.


Many of the complaints from clients with the professionals of the service companies come because they are late with the excuse of being very busy but they do not call to let them know that the appointment they had at a certain time will not be able to be kept.

Be neat and honest:

If your client sees that you don't organize your agenda well, that you don't answer the phone, that you're not honest about your occupancy level, they can't trust you.

And even if I have to finish the job with you, I won't call you again


+34 651 321 890



We work with the best supplier of electrical equipment on the island, Dielca. We are up to date with your promotions and offers, to inform you by mail of the news.

Enlargement of electrical panel in active premises

Our company expands electrical installation in Lanzarote, in an optics that had saturated the electrical panel

On many occasions, a local, with the passage of time, expands the circuits by installing new machinery, so it is important to make reforms that avoid the saturation of the electrical panel and avoid problems all types.

In this type of action in which the premises are in use, it is important carry out coordination con la propiedad para, que los elementos que actualmente tienen energía se queden sin servicio for the shortest time possible.

It can also happen that, in addition to the aforementioned, we start from the base of a saturated installation of origin.

Panels of few dimensions, which go to the limit in space for their protections and wiring. Bridges made with cables, incorrect dimensions and labeling failures. incorrect dimensions and mislabeling.

Our company makes electrical panels following standards of quality, order and aesthetics. quality, order and aesthetics.

How do we solve the problem?

The electrical panel is very important in an electrical installation... in fact is the core. It is for this reason that it has to be clearly labeling, organized, and with technical consistency.

In this example that you can see in the video, we have an initial starting point, and at the end how the painting will look.

One of the elements that provide greater clarity and technical security is an installation of approved combs in the upper part of the protections to provide a flawless connection, and bring clarity to the whole. 

an electrical panel completely crammed with wires already in itself, that it also has the classic cables above the protections to jump from one to another, attached to a scant space of the original frame, make the electrical panel a place where look for a fault, perform maintenance, or make a expansion of facilities, it becomes a handicap.

Legal aspect

Regarding the legal aspect (issuance of an installation certificate), in this particular case, as the client does not increase the power, and do not make a major change (more than 50% of the installation), el cliente no está obligado a realizar un  certificado.

Making protection changes for the same ones, but new ones, to be installed and provide more space for the panel, and expanding a couple of circuits to create more subdivision of circuits is not enough to force the client to carry out a CAI. it is not enough to force the client to carry out a CAI.

If you want update your electrical installation, contact us and we will visit you.

The end of the CAI's

The installation adaptation certificates or CAI's will expire.

certificados de instalacion Lanzarote



Dear friends, there has been some good news in the form of an extended deadline for this provision:

In principle it was scheduled to be until September 2022, according to the provisions of Decree Law 15/2020, of September 10, of the Presidency of the Government, on urgent measures to promote the primary, energy, tourism and territorial sectors of the Canary Islands.

Nevertheless, with the publication of "LAW 5/2021, of December 21, on urgent measures to promote the primary, energy, tourism and territorial sectors of the Canary Islands.", approved in the BOC No. 265. Monday, December 27, 2021, In its fourth additional provision, it indicates that the administrative regularization process has a term of validity of “2 years” from the entry into force of said law.

Therefore, the procedure must remain in force until December 2023.

This type of adaptation certificates will not be allowed as of December 2023, since in 2002 The low voltage electro-technical regulation came into force, and enabled this type of adaptation certificates for:

  • Make reforms
  • Small power increases.
  • Rehabilitation of supply.
  • Chang the name 
  • Reviews for sales.

Therefore, it was a very useful tool for those homes that had been made prior to 2002, and that they wanted to make regularizations of any kind.

On many occasions, with this simple adaptation document or bulletin, users did not have to completely modify the installation to adapt it to the regulation that came into force as of 2002.

This meant that the industry council accepted that an old installation that met the parameters of the DECREE 161/2006, of November 8 and that was normally a simple review of four or five parameters, they could regularize their status. 

Infinity of houses that had been interrupted the supply that had a contract to cancel, could be rehabilitated if I complied with the installation with the minimum security required in the 1972 regulation, and under which their house had been made.

This regulation already adapted, which is now 20 years old, will be terminated in September 2022 according to a provision  DECREE law 15/2020, of September 10. Now we are going to see what this change means in practice.

There you have a Little summary for those who do not want to read the complete decree: (the date of September 11, 2022 has been extended to December 2023)


C.I's (Installation Certificates) can only be made from December 20233

Once this time period has expired, If we want to make any changes to the installation, if the electricity is cut off, if the contract is canceled, if we want to sell the house and the notary does not require a review bulletin or the original bulletin, we will have to make an installation certificate.

The installation certificate implies that our installation must meet the requirements of the new regulation which came into force in 2002. This would not be an inconvenience for any house built from this period onwards, but it will be for old or local houses.

The installation certificate is subject to a regulation that obliges old installations to carry out profound electrical reforms and in most cases masonry works

To give just one example, the connection would have to be changed, the electrical panel completely modified, new lines and new sockets added. 

On many occasions, the facilities being old, the pipes do not accept the introduction of new lines, so it is usually common to have to break the walls or the floor to install new ducts to accommodate the new installation.

If you have an old installation, and you want to save all this money and inconvenience, it is better that you do a CAI preventively, before its validity expires

contact with us if you want more information or that we visit you. You can check what the protocol for making a certificate in our YouTube channel, or in this link

Inspections in residential buildings.

Inspections in residential buildings over 100 kW and 10 years old

Since the law was established In 2016, with the aim of keeping the electrical installations in common areas in order, the Ministry of Industry has regulated inspections in residential buildings.

We are going to go into more detail about this recently applied rule in the Canary Islands.

These will be subject to a periodic inspection to be carried out each 10 years, there are many doubts that affect us if we live in a community of owners.

Only in the case that the total installed power (homes and common areas) is greater than 100 Kw.

It can be a vertical residential building or a residential of chalets or townhouses.

If the combined power of the dwellings (about 5750 watts each) and common services, such as public lighting, elevator etc, add up to that amount, this rule will be applied sooner or later.

The communities of owners must be the first to want to have their common service facilities updated and with the maximum security.

Something that we have to take into account is that although the power calculation is carried out by counting the installation of the interior of the houses, the inspections are only of the common zones.

To implement this inspection procedure in residential buildings, there are some initial conditions.

How the inspection is carried out

The authorized control bodies (O.C.A.) will notify the property of the visit for the inspection.

Once the technician has thoroughly reviewed the common areas regarding electrical installations, a report will be issued.

If the report contains serious or very serious defects, this document will allow time (which varies depending on the severity of the anomalies), for the property to correct these defects.

Once the process is finished, the installer of the company that performs the repair service will issue a specific certificate for this type of revision.

If you have already received the notification from the industry council, contact us and we will visit you.

Maybe you need to see the law to study it in more depth, click here

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